
Beyond the resume: Innovative strategies to identify top tech talent


The continuous evolution and technological advancements are making tech hiring extremely complex, as a one-page profile cannot determine people’s talent and capabilities. The great resignation period and layoffs have proven that a resume cannot give a clear picture of candidate’s capabilities. Additionally, as per the HirePro report, over 85% of job seekers have misled employers through their resumes.

Tech-Hiring Challenges

Over the past few years, 76% of recruiters and HR professionals have faced multiple challenges to find the right tech candidates. These challenges include talent shortage, unorganized hiring process, and ineffective methods of assessing skillsets, resulting in unexpected re-hire for the same position, leading to project and service delays, missed opportunity costs, and recruiting burnout.

Now, the question is, how can businesses hire suitable tech candidates effectively and efficiently? The solution to this conundrum is Leveraging Innovative Tech Hiring Strategies!

Want to know, how? Let’s discuss the innovative strategies to hire tech talent in detail.

Innovative Ways to Recruit Tech Talent

Finding a suitable tech talent is like finding a needle in a haystack and can be overwhelming. However, modern problems require innovative solutions. Below are some of the innovative strategies you can follow to find an ideal fit for the company:

  • Leverage Generative AI – Generative AI offers lots of opportunities and tools to identity top tech talent. Employers can utilize AI tools like chatbots and online tests to assess candidates’ overall skills and portfolio and select a suitable candidate. Furthermore, AI can help in summarizing lengthy resumes, highlighting major skills that can help in establishing a JD that can attract top candidates.
  • Community Platforms: Community platforms such as LinkedIn, GitHub, and Glassdoor are great ways to connect with a community of talented, emerging candidates. Moreover, employers can also partner with tech recruiting platforms like TMI Network that offers next-gen hiring services to source and hire pre-vetted and suitable candidates timely and economically.
  • Utilize practical methods: To identify a suitable employee who aligns with your company’s goals, you can also consider methods like take-home assessments to assess their practical skills, organize group discussions to measure communication and teamwork and ask them to create a portfolio of their work to analyse their real-time work.  

Moreover, you can also utilize the knowledge and experience of industry experts to identify top tech candidates and develop scorecards for senior profiles.

Things To Look Beyond Resumes

Before starting your hiring, it important to consider the following factors that can give you a comprehensive understanding of a candidate’s suitability for your company, ensuring that you make the right hiring decisions.

●      Candidate psychometric test to understand interest area better.

●      Candidate’s knowledge and depth of understanding of their field. This can be assessed through technical tests.

●      Upskilling in today’s day and age is the factor that turns talent into an indispensable asset.

●      Problem-solving skills are a need of an hour. You can assess candidates’ problem-solving skills by encouraging them to showcase their work portfolio and asking questions around it.

The Final Word

Some candidates are more than a one-page profile, but resumes can only show us a portion of their capabilities. That’s why, it is crucial to go beyond and adapt the new normal like screen and assess tech employees using methods that give you the full scope of things. Optimizing social media and community platforms to find tech talent is becoming a norm. Additionally, with the growing technological advancements, it’s time we start leveraging AI-powered tools to test an employee’s overall capabilities to hire the best in the industry.

If you’re looking for an advanced tech driven recruitment platform that can provide you faster, sustainable, and cost-effective hiring services, TMI Network can be your hiring partner. It is a leading hiring platform with 30+ years of industry experience. TMI network has processed 240,000+ candidates annually for 10,000 – 15,000+ annual hires in 470+ cities and 22 states of India. Want to streamline your tech talent search, contact TMI Network.